We are living in a digital world, with invisible ones and zeros flying through the air at the speed of light and when you consider how far we’ve come in the past few decades, it is an alarming rate of progress. Commerce has been transformed by digital tech; we now have real-time video across the world; large companies and multi-national corporations store their critical data on the cloud.
What is the cloud?
The cloud is a term that refers to a secure online network, which can only be accessed by authorised personnel. A secure server that is remotely located stores your data and with automated backup, your data is always secure. Cyber-security is a must and your managed IT services provider has everything from server rack to wireless router, making sure that your data is protected 24/7.
Benefits of cloud data storage
When you migrate your business data to the cloud, you can enjoy the following:
- Global access in real time.
- Multi-device access.
- Password protected.
- Real time updates.
- Real-time video communication.
- 24/7 cyber-security.
You, the business owner, can create folders and control who accesses what; bookkeeping and accounting can be one section, while sales & marketing can be another. Create a section for customer support and when everything is done and the system is online, all employees have instant access to relevant data.
Keeping everyone on the same page
A busy company has many departments and decisions have to be made in real time; if data can be updated in real time, all stakeholders are on the same page and the right decisions can be made. If you have a nationwide sales force, a salesperson can acquire the latest customer information by simply logging into the network, which they can do from their smartphone. If you want to call a meeting for all your department managers, you can do that via Zoom and your secure network. There are powerful online collaboration tools that you can use when you set up virtual meetings. Click here for strategies for finding the right employment.
Automate your business processes
Setting up a cloud network allows you to automate many of your business processes and eliminate double handling; you can automate payroll and invoicing, which leaves your staff free to focus on other aspects of the business. Using cutting-edge business software that is sector-specific can transform your business; if you would like to learn more about the potential of business software, Google is your best friend.
Setting up your own secure cloud network
If you are tech-savvy, you can set up your own server; search online for a leading Australian IT component supplier, where you will find fibre cables, server racks, cable ties and cooling systems. You could hire a local IT specialist to design and install a small data centre, if you would rather host your data, this is always an option. Of course, your system must meet with government requirements for data protection, then you are able to activate the system.